I am finally finding, making the time to catch up on some recent Handke publications, the prose text KALI [note Lothar Struck's take @ his http://begleitschreiben.twoday.net/topics/Peter+Handke/ ] which struck me, at once, as yet a new departure with a music I had not heard before. I read quite a few reviews about a year ago, one particularly stupid and condescending one from an idiot by the name of Hubert Spiegel of the FAZ , but I will not have an own opinion until I have read the text several times. The next prose work, once called Samarra, but now "Morawische Nacht"- [although the Suhrkamp on line catalog doesn't know this] http://www.suhrkamp.de/_download/vorschauen/Suhrkamp_2Halbjahr_2007.pdf is nearly upon us. 500 plus pages. not such a big deal for someone who needs to write one good page a day to stay well in this world!I read around the correspondence between Handke and H. Lenz, especially the 1985-1987 period, it provides an interesting view of Handke as the "ewige Sohn" [eternal, a forever son] and is quite lovely. In the matter of Lenz, Handke and Thomas Mann are of the same opinion, perhaps that will make our man relent on thinking Mann a "very bad writer" on the basis of Mann's book about a man and his dog. I first read a Lenz in the late 50! but it did not become a habit. Handke rescued him from total neglect. Among the secondary works of whose existence I was unaware of is
Die narrative Performanz des Gehens : Peter Handkes "Mein Jahr in der Niemandsbucht" und "Der Bildverlust" als Spaziergängertexte
by Volker Georg HummelI browsed in it, a worthy and appropriate aproach recalls this once slow walker in the chapparal of the St. Monicas as he was synchronously reading, being exposed to the slowing paces of The Repetition, and felt as close to being as he has ever, halfway consciously, and will read the Hummel in it's entirety.http://uwashington.worldcat.org/search?q=handke%2C+peter&fq=&sd=desc&start=161&qt=next_pagegives you a list of the entirety of their collection and also access to published reviews etc.I would have you note that though these two new Handke books have been at the UW, where I was visiting scholar for a decade, no one has as much as cracked a page, much less checked them out of the library. This of the one of the few living writers in the language whose course is worth following from decade to decade. What a departement it is, claiming to be the 10th best in the nation! If they are tenth and make bones about it... what a discipline ... but let me stop right here.I just completed a good rough of a screen play [in one month] and am quite deep into a novel THE DARLINGS AND MONSTER SPIRAL,but will complete my commentary on Coury /Phillip, I promise.As you may have heard, a French court awarded Handke a judgment against the Nouvelle Observateur for defaming him in claiming that he had denied the massacre of Srebrenice, etc. Nonetheless, the righteous humanitarians have done their damage... The National Theater in London is mounting a performance of THE HOUR WE KNEW NOTHING OF EACH OTHER [in a new translation ! where no text is spoken!... someone must want Gitta Honegger's royalties; after all, though not up to snuff as a reading text, as it ought to have been in this case, it certainly suffices to give a director proper directions what to do. What is needed is a reworking of her attempt to translate THE ART OF ASKING... where the spoken language makes all the difference. Here in Seattle in the late 90s Steve Pearson worked from a translation of HOUR by the hideous but bright Roger Downey, who knows why, I didn't ask.OFFENDING THE AUDIENCE / PUBLIC INSULT is having its [hear hear] New York City Premiere in January I worked it there for many months with a small troupe in the the late sixties, Michael Locascio was part of that, now of La Mama, but it was never officially reviewed; nor was Herbert Berghof's and my work at the HB Studio where I also first worked with E.G. Marshall getting Kaspar into Amurrican shape. SELF-ACCUSATION is having performances in D.C. , starring bush/cheney in true christian mode! self-flagellating until the Potomac turns blood red.Note my essay on these translations at http://www.handketrans.scriptmania.com
THIS BLOG AND THE HTTP://WWW.HANDKE.SCRIPTMANIA.COM PROJECT ARE DEVOTED TO THE GREAT WORK AND PERSON OF THE AUSTRO-GERMANIC-SLOVENIAN AUTHOR PETER HANDKE DISCUSSION SPILLS OVER TO http://handke-watch.blogspot.com/ http://www.artscritic.blogspot.com [the Milosevic controversy summarized] link to slideshowhttp://picasaweb.google.com/mikerol/POSTED?authkey=YeKkFSE3-Js#
Sunday, December 16, 2007
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